Daniel Bargen

Production Manager

507-427-3781 (office) 507-822-6725 (mobile) 507-427-2634 (fax) dbuilders@bargeninc.com

Brandon Green

Design / Sales Consultant

507-427-3781 (office) 724-272-8989(mobile) 507-427-2634 (fax) bgbuilders@bargeninc.com

Linette Walzak

Design / Sales Consultant

507-427-3781 (office) 507-822-9119(mobile) 507-427-2634 (fax) lbuilders@bargeninc.com

Tom Kastner

Sales, Design and Project Manager

Mattis ipsum dolor sit amet, vesena tomosi elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec kesa.

Randy Strom

Sales, Design and Project Manager

Praesent lobortis mauris et tellus pretium pulvinar. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Bryan Bargen

Chief Financial Officer General Construction Division Manager

507-427-3781 (office) 507-381-2816 (mobile) 507-427-2634 (fax) bbuilders@bargeninc.com