To repair damaged asphalt, the perimeter of the area is identified, ensuring a boundary at least one foot outside the damage. The area is then neatly saw-cut or jackhammered along the painted lines. Deteriorated asphalt and unsuitable base materials are excavated to the specified depth and loaded onto a dump truck for proper disposal or recycling.
The sub-base is re-compacted using a vibratory roller, and the base is proof-rolled to check for deficiencies. A tack coat is applied to all vertical edges to ensure a good bond with the new asphalt.
One or more lifts of base course asphalt, not exceeding 4 inches per lift, are installed and compacted. Finally, a 1 1/2 inch lift of hot surface mix asphalt is installed and compacted to match the surrounding pavement’s elevation, and a bead of pourable sealant is applied to the edge of each patch to minimize water penetration.